
Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Tidung Island: A Heavenly Destination

The island is one of the hundred islands of Thousand Islands propping up from the Java Sea. It is merely some 20 kilometers north of Jakarta, making it a popular getaway for city dwellers.

As days always start early for islanders, it must start early for its eager visitors as well. The only ferry that connects the island and the city departs at 7 a.m. once a day.

“Please arrive by 6:30 a.m. sharp so that we won’t miss the boat,” the travel agent, from whom I bought a package for two, said the day earlier.

On that day, my companion and I left home at dawn and arrived at the designated time under a grayish dawn sky at the meeting point – a petrol station inside the fish market in Muara Angke, North Jakarta. The travel agent was still on his way.

The fresh morning dew mixed with the strong odor of the fish market, which certainly needed some major scrubbing and washing, entered our lungs and filled our hearts with the question “Is this trip worth the pain of smelling this?”

When he finally arrived, we were ushered to a simple jetty, which was a concrete platform for the boat to dock. There is no building, roof, or any sign. The boat master quickly helped us get on board.

The boat was made of wood, painted in white. It had two decks, upper and lower. The upper part of the upper deck was left open to form windows.

Most tourists opted for the upper deck, so by the time we climbed up, one-third of the upper-deck was already filled. The ceiling was just slightly more than one meter high. So, we crunched to the back to find some room, but there were no seats. It was an empty carpeted-room. We were supposed to sit on the floor.

“This is Indonesian culture. Traditionally, we like to sit on the floor. In the past, we do everything on the floor, including eating,” I explained to my companion, a first time visitor to Indonesia.

Once the smell subsided, I thanked the human’s extraordinary adaptive body and I took in the morning skyline. The sun rose slowly, initially with an orange tint on the grayish sky. Only then we were told the boat might leave at 7:30 something.

“Why is there this additional ‘something’ there? Don’t they have a fixed time to depart,” my perplexed companion asked.

They don’t. I later found out that the departure time ranged from 6 a.m. during holiday seasons, when the ferry filled much quicker, to 7:30 something.

By the time the last passengers boarded, the sun had blasted at full force and put Jakarta’s skyscrapers and warehouses into clear view.

Around three hours later, when the color turned to clear turquoise, the sight of the island appeared. First was the smaller sibling, called Tidung Kecil, then the bigger one, Tidung Besar. Tidung Besar houses the jetty, lodgings and other amenities, while Tidung kecil is mostly mangrove forest.

Once arrived, the fun began. Snorkel, cycle, swim, lay on the beach – up to you. We chose the big game first: snorkeling. It can be done around the island, or visitors can rent a boat to go to neighboring islands said to be offering better coral. We took the smaller wooden boat out to Payung Island.

When we reach the proximity of an island that looked like a giant rock at sea, the tour guide gave us the life-jackets, swim fins and snorkel masks before taking the dip himself. We took the leap and entered a fantastic underwater world.

The sea is shallow and the assorted coral reefs were just inches under our noses. The reefs are in good condition and host many sea creatures. Colorful tropical fish swim around, seemingly too full to even show any enthusiasm for the bread thrown at them. There were no sea urchins that might poke holes in our skin. The water was clear under the strong sunlight, a very different view from Jakarta’s brownish water.

The next on the to-do-list was playing by the beach. On the Tidung Besar, happenings are taking place at the tip or the island around 10-minute cycling from the residential area.

Banana boat trip is a popular activity loved by visitors, who are happily dumped into the sea at the end of each session. Banana boat trip is a popular activity loved by visitors, who are happily dumped into the sea at the end of each session. We cycled on the island’s only main lane, a 2-meter wide lane made of paving blocks. Along the street, there are rented rooms, food stalls, souvenir shops, snorkeling equipment rentals and bike rentals. There are also pushcart roasted bread sellers.

“Pineapple, strawberry, raspberry or chocolate jam?” the man asked for my order. I was hoping for more traditional Sarikaya jam, but pineapple was fine too. So two little buns (Rp 5,000) were soon wrapped in paper and placed into the basket in front of my bike.

“There were hundreds of people here yesterday. There was a traffic jam on this lane. Today it is very quiet,” he said, making small talk.

Indeed, we only encountered five other tourist groups in various sizes that Monday. That made the beach almost private.

The water is shallow and the current is mild, very suitable for dipping and swimming. The long stretch of sand is white and clean to walk upon or lay down in comfort. The trees offer shade for those who are prone to sunburn.

An arch bridge, like many other arch bridges around the globe, romantically called Love Bridge, stands nearby. The peak of the bridge, which rises to more than 5 meters above sea level, has become the platform for youngsters to test their courage by jumping into the water below. A banana boat passes under the bridge before unloading its passengers into the salty water.

The Love Bridge is the start of picture-perfect long flat bridge to Tidung Kecil. The only problem is that it is quite a challenge to walk, especially for those with acrophobia (fear of heights) or who cannot swim, because it has no handrail. Some part of the bridge was only covered by loosely placed wood planks.

“Why is there no handle on the bridge? I can’t do it,” my companion said, already weak in the knees.

So we said “so long” to Tidung Kecil and did what people should do on a beach on a beautiful afternoon – we just rested on the sand. It was perfected by fresh coconut, drunk directly from its fruit, complimented by a bowl of fried instant noodles with egg purchased from one of the many stalls nearby.

The island is operated solely by the local community – hence its down-to-earth and laid-back atmosphere. People are generally friendly and trustworthy and leave the visitors alone. The two times we changed our bikes, the keeper was not even bothered to wake up from his nap.

Wooden boats dock at the jetty at Muara Angke Port, North Jakarta in early morning, waiting to take passengers to the Thousand Islands chain. Wooden boats dock at the jetty at Muara Angke Port, North Jakarta in early morning, waiting to take passengers to the Thousand Islands chain. There is no feeling of being conned to pay more, a familiar feeling often felt at other established tourist places. No one offered us products when we did not ask for them.

Visitors are housed in rooms rented out by locals. We had a big room with two king-sized beds, air-conditioning, television and a cold shower. It was simple and clean. The phone signal was perfect, a blessing for anyone who cannot part with the Internet.

The beach was so pleasant and peaceful that time passed quietly. The sun set and the sky quickly turned dark. The beach has no lighting, but the flicker from the street lamps provided a faint glimmer. The island was safe, even for female travelers. No one bothered us.

As we cycled our noisy bumpy bikes back to our lodging, we looked at the sky and saw beautiful stars shining brightly against the dark background. Ah, the smell of the fish market was a small sacrifice, and it was all worth it.

Tidung Island offers not only wonderful coral, beautiful beaches and starry nights, but also the comfort of a close-knit community removed from the capital city.
Travel details

• The ferry costs Rp 33,000, one way, and departs at around 7 a.m. to Tidung (try to come early, especially on weekends, as it departs earlier if it is full). Tickets can be purchased on the boat or beforehand through travel agents. The ferry back to Jakarta departs at 7:30 a.m. on weekdays and 12:30 on weekends.

• Bike rental fees start from Rp 15,000.

• Banana boats cost Rp 35,000 per trip.

• Snorkeling gear can be rented for around Rp 35,000.

• Boat rental to go to neighboring islands starts from Rp 250,000 per boat.

• There are tour agencies that offer all-in packages at reasonable prices. Prices are cheaper for larger group (the jakarta post)
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Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Ditemukan, Solusi untuk Mengatasi Insomnia

Dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Madhu Kaza, seorang seniman dan penulis India berusia 36 tahun yang tinggal di Amerika Serikat, terungkap bahwa membacakan cerita pengantar tidur sangat efektif untuk menolong para penderita insomnia.

Kesimpulan ini didapat setelah sejak Mei lalu Kaza berkeliling dari rumah ke rumah orang asing yang ia tidak kenal di kawasan Manhattan dan Brooklyn untuk meninabobokkan mereka dengan cerita pengantar tidur.

Dalam proyek yang diberi nama “Here Is Where We Meet” sesuai dengan novel karangan John Berger, ia telah membacakan cerita pengantar tidur bagi delapan orang dewasa yang menderita insomnia di kawasan itu.

Adapun cerita yang ia bawakan di antaranya adalah ‘The Metamorphosis’ karya Kafka, cerita petualangan anak ‘Danny the Champion of the World’ karya Roald Dahl, sampai ke novel karangan John Fowles yang berjudul ‘The French Liutenant’s Woman.’

“Saya hanya mendatangi mereka lalu mereka pilih cerita apa yang ingin saya bacakan dan saya membacakannya untuk mereka,” ucap Kaza seperti dikutip dari New York Daily News, 15 Juli 2011.

Dosen menulis paruh waktu di New York University ini juga menerima panggilan ke rumah sebagai bagian dari program tersebut.

“Bagian lain dari proyek ini adalah seputar keramahan. Proyek ini memantau seputar pertemuan seseorang dengan orang lain yang bukan teman akrabnya, bukan kekasihnya, atau juga bukan orangtuanya,” ucap Kaza.

Pada pengujian, Kaza hanya membacakan cerita pada orang dewasa yang menjadi ‘pasiennya’ secara empat mata. Sebelumnya, keduanya perlu menyepakati bahwa Kaza boleh keluar dari rumah sang pasien jika pasien itu sudah tertidur. Dan sejauh ini, baru penderita insomnia wanita saja yang ia bacakan cerita.

“Dari percobaan, umumnya mereka tertidur dalam waktu singkat,” kata Kaza. “Secara rata-rata, saya belum pernah mendapati penderita insomnia yang tetap terjaga meski sudah lebih dari satu jam saya bacakan cerita pengantar tidur,” ucapnya.

Berikutnya, Kaza menyebutkan, ia akan mencoba menjalankan uji coba ini menggunakan rekaman suaranya untuk mengantarkan para penderita insomnia tersebut ke peribaannya. (viva news)
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Ponsel Tak Sebabkan Tumor Otak?

Menggunakan ponsel selama bertahun-tahun ternyata tidak akan menambah resiko orang terkena penyakit kanker otak jinak. Demikian hasil dari sebuah riset terakhir yang dilakukan oleh ilmuwan Denmark.
Riset yang melibatkan pengumpulan data dari 2,9 juta orang Denmark, itu menyimpullkan bahwa para pengguna ponsel selama 11 tahun atau lebih, tidak memiliki tumor jenis ini, atau disebut juga dengan nama vestibular schwannomas
Hasil penemuan ini kontradiktif dengan banyak penelitian sebelumnya. Ilmuwan dari Denmark ini mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak menemukan hubungan jangka panjang antara ponsel dengan perkembangan tumor itu.
Vestibular schwannomas adalah penyakit tumor ringan yang secara teoritis timbul dari energi yang terserap oleh otak dari medan elektromagnet yang dihasilkan oleh ponsel. Pada riset sebelumnya, World Health Organization mengklasifikasikan ponsel sebagai penyebab potensial kanker (karsinogen). 
Riset yang dilakukan oleh ilmuwan Denmark ini adalah salah satu yang terbesar untuk meneliti masalah ini. Penelitian ini hanya mendata berapa lama seseorang telah menjadi pengguna ponsel. Namun, tidak mendata seberapa sering orang tersebut menggunakan ponsel. 
Menurut, David Savitz, seorang profesor dari Brown University yang duduk dalam panel penelitian WHO itu, penemuan terbaru ini menjadi salah satu pembuktian ketiadaan hubungan antara pemakaian ponsel dengan peningkatan resiko vestibular schwannomas. Namun, kata Savitz, penelitian di bidang ini masih perlu terus dilakukan.
Vestibular schwannomas tumbuh di sekitar sel otak dan melibatkan fungsi pendengaran dan keseimbangan seseorang. Tumor ini akan menyebabkan seseorang kehilangan pendengaran, pusing-pusing, serta kehilangan keseimbangan.  
Bila tumor ini tumbuh semakin besar, tumor ini mungkin akan menekan daerah-daerah otak yang penting sehingga bisa juga mengancam jiwa pengidapnya.
Karena tumor jenis ini adalah tumor yang pertumbuhannya sangat lambat, jadi masih ada kemungkinan tumor ini diketahui setelah lebih dari 11 tahun. Oleh karenanya, para peserta penelitian musti terus dimonitor untuk mengetahui perkembangan vestibular schwannomas, dalam tubuh mereka. (viva news)
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Kelamin Janin Bisa Diketahui dalam 7 Pekan

Dari sebuah penelitian terbaru, ternyata sebuah tes darah sederhana dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui jenis kelamin bayi, hanya dalam tujuh pekan kehamilan.

Pada studi itu, peneliti memeriksa 57 penelitian DNA janin dari sekitar 6.500 ibu hamil. Hasilnya kemudian dipubikasikan dalam Journal of American Medical Association.

Dikutip dari New York Times, Jumat 12 Agustus 2011, dari tes analisis DNA janin dalam darah sang ibu, jika kromosom Y hadir, ia akan memiliki anak laki-laki. Jika tidak, berarti janin itu adalah perempuan.

Menurut peneliti, temuan ini bisa membantu orang tua yang khawatir tentang penyakit yang berkaitan dengan gender. Namun demikian, tes ini juga bisa disalahgunakan orang lain.

Peneliti menyebutkan, hasil tes ini bisa menjadi kabar baik bagi orang tua yang keturunannya berisiko penyakit langka, yang berkaitan dengan gender kelainan genetik, seperti kelainan otot Duchenne pada anak laki-laki atau sindrom Turner pada anak perempuan.

Mengetahui jenis kelamin janin sejak dini juga akan membantu orang tua menentukan apakah mereka perlu menjalani tes genetik yang mahal. Namun, ini juga menimbulkan peluang seputar aborsi selektif jenis kelamin yang tidak diinginkan.
Di China atau India, janin yang diketahui berkelamin perempuan kerap digugurkan karena mereka lebih memilih anak laki-laki.

Peneliti berharap, ke depan, institusi yang menggelar layanan tes darah seperti itu terlebih dahulu meminta orang tua untuk menandatangani surat pernyataan yang menyatakan bahwa mereka tidak akan menggunakannya untuk tujuan aborsi. (viva news)
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